2007年6月7日 星期四

What is my dreams, hopes and fears about my career?

When I was young until now, I want to be a teacher. I want to teach my student that what I have learnd so far. I want to teach them everything that I knew. However, teacher has a lot of kinds such as English teacher. Finally, I decided to be a music teacher. Actually, this is my mom's dream, but I also has a little be interesting about it. Therefore, I followed this dream. Right now, I change my mind. I want to be a language teacher. At first, I need to learn five different languages. As a result, I couldn't treavl around this world without any langurage trouble. Also, I could get a job in many different countries such as translator or language teacher. In other hand, I am afraid about time because if I want to study five different languages, I need to spend a lot of time on it. Also, I need a lot of patiences on it. Anyway, I hope that I will success one day.

1 則留言:

Derek 提到...

Why do you need to know 5 languages to be a language teacher? Couldn't you study just one and become proficient?

However, I do admire your dreams. Good luck! Teaching a language is a great experience because you get to meet students from all over the world.
