2007年4月2日 星期一

The bully

This book is talking about a family. There had just two children and mother without a father's family. Also, it is talking about black people. One day, the old brother Well went out with friends. His young brother Jan followed his. Jan really liked well. Therefore, he always followed him when he went to anywhere. Someday when Well go out, someone shoot him by gum. However, he didn't get hurt because his young brother saved his life. Jan used his body to cover Well's body. As a result, Jan got shoot by gum. In addition, he died at that time. Their mother was very sad. Moreover, Well felt sorry to his mother and his young brother. He thought that all of that was his falt. He became a bad child. He hang out with bad people. They used drugs and stop to go to school. Her mother didn't want to lose his only son, so she decided to move to other state. Therefore, they move to California to live with his unlce's family. He really didn't want to leave his hometown and his old friends. He thought that would have a hard time in the new school. Actually, at the first day in the school, he really had a hard and bad time in the school. However, time by time he made more new friends in the new school. In addition, he stoped to hang out with his bad friends. Finally, he became a good child amd student. I like this book because it teach me that don't be afriad to do something before you don't try it first that tell me I need to try anything. It just need to take time to try it.

1 則留言:

Carol 提到...

Yes it is important not to be afraid to try something.